Sunday, September 14, 2014

Back and Forth: The Recurrence of Psychosis

Tiring as it is, it takes a lot out of you, being involved and afflicted with recurring psychosis. At one end of the spectrum, there is little to worry about, and life seems, in most regards, to move along swimmingly. Then, without warning, everyone is looking at you, watching, waiting to strike you down from their perches in trees, on top of buildings, from helicopters above and continually watching via hidden cameras planted just about everywhere. This distorted form of reality is both the trademark of those with schizophrenia, and the bane of our existence. How you handle it, how much support you have from your family and friends and the combination of medication therapy and coping strategies determine how you will fare. "...For it is the storm within that endangers him, not the storm without." And such episodes come and go, but luckily with the combination of coping strategies, family and friend's support and grit and determination to be well and whole makes me all the more strong at the end of the each day.

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