Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I am writing today about something that I am extremely passionate about. The prospect of helping those like me who suffer from mental illness, specifically schizophrenia and are less fortunate than me to not be as successful. How better to do that and help YOU than to write a book about my experiences and secrets in balanacing and fighting the symptoms and living life to the fullest, despite the debiliting disease that afflicts me and so many others every day.

Take your medication, be a partner with your doctor in your own treatment, take care of getting your sleep, don't drink alchohol or do street drugs, build a support system in order to back you up when you need it the most.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Life is good

Compared to how my life was going two years ago, just got out of the hospital in May of 2007, my life is much improved at the moment. I am looking forward to some extended periods of normalcy for a while now.

No more bouts of positive and negative symptoms and other things like that.

I have a new job to focus on now and that's what I intend to do.



Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just started a new job

Hello all,

I just began a new job at a MUCH smaller bank. So far so good. I like the look and feel of the branch that I manage, the people that work for me are AMAZING and I even like the woman that I work for as well.

Too soon to tell. More to come.