Friday, February 18, 2011

Got fired from my job today because of the disorder

Hello All,

I just got fired today because I didn't use good judgement because of my disorder! Oh man, this sucks!

My boss had it in for me from the beginning. She is a mega bitch!

Oh well, I am going to pull on through this.....just hope that I don't have a major psychotic break too!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Such are life's litle inequities

I am continually hounded at work to do the best job that I can do in a politically charged work force, and know that I have and want to be the best dad that I can be to my two sons--all the while on two separate neuroleptic medications and suffering from Schizo-Affective Disorder. Is it fair, I say no.

But what can one expect in the realm of equity for all? Not much. There are many things in this life that are inequitable and not fair, but we don't always address them. When it comes to the stigma of mental illness, I end up acting like a jerk half the time, not because I mean to, but just because I am experiencing one or the other of the symptoms of my disorder.

I have to constantly remind myself that the only person that you have to ultimately be accountable to in this life is yourself. And in the end, depending on your faith-base, you are accountable to God. You see, your family is the only one who loves you unconditionally, and no one else can bear that responsibility nor will they for you.
