Saturday, January 9, 2016

Come to realize...

Although many of us can keep going nearly constantly without faltering, I've come to grips with my limitations when it comes to always being "on."  I'm not anti-social by any means, nor do I allow my disease of the brain define me, but I realize that sometimes, no matter what the situation, I need to take care of me. Would I have rather stayed awake with company at my house until nearly midnight, rather than crashing, after suffering for most of the day and taking medication? Of course! But I am aware of my limitations and the fact that I'm fortunate not to be in jail, homeless on the streets, or abusive to my family. After being on the treadmill (literally!) working out all week early in the morning, dropping my two sons off at school, working in the office full time, and then attending a caustic birthday party with my younger son today (he had fun!), I'm ready to crash, just the way it is!