Thursday, April 18, 2013

The unfortunate dreams of a highly imaginative, slighly mentally jaded individual

Dream I had last night. I had a dream that myself and a bunch of friends were using a sniper rifle for target practice at ultra high range in North Carolina. I had the gun, and the guys and I decided that I was a bad shot and that I couldn't take a risky shot since I had lousy aim. Anyway, long story short, I ended up firing, and seeing through my scope that there was a possibility of, hitting my newest brother-in-law Nick with the shot. My 'friends,' (none of whom i recognize) egged me on about it until I fired the rifle and saw through the scope that I had indeed struck Nick. When I inquired with my friends, they thought that I had hit him in the cheek and that he was ok, it was just a grazing shot. Delirious and mortified in my dream, I ran to Nick's aid. When I got to his side, he wasn't crying, nor was he down, but a giant shotgun shell was wedged grotesquely in his cheek and I insisted that I take him to the hospital. I remember hearing my sister scream, ask me what I was thinking, curse me out repeatedly, and on our ride to the hospital, I found mercy and awoke from my horrific nightmare. This and many other creepy nightmares, are all but a regular for someone with such a strong imagination as me, and is exacerbated I'm sure, by my mental illness.