Sunday, January 6, 2013

Addicted to technology

Every time a new device comes out, I feel an urge to go and buy it. I think that it is part and parcel of the disorder from which I suffer, but it certainly is annoying that when I see a commercial, I feel a familiar itch to go out and purchase the thing. Oh well, I have all the technology that I need or could possibly use at any given time. For now, I just need to be content with what I have--a tough mental pill to swallow these days.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

On Bullying in Schools

They say it starts in First Grade. FIRST GRADE! Bullying in schools is still a real problem. That being said, I have read quite a bit on the subject and am currently have my head deep into "Bullied," by Carrie Goldman. The subtitle states, "What Every Parent, Teacher, and Kid Needs to Know about Ending the Cycle of Fear." Eventually, it comes down to this: how do we as a society end the vicious cycle of fear and bullying inside and outside of school to reduce poor mental illness onset and eventual suicide attempts and ideation by the victims? Read my next blog post to find out more on this topic. SD