Saturday, March 20, 2010

Falling asleep whenever I need to be awake!!!!

And what a feeling that is! My medication, while helpful, can also be a negative for me when I take it and am feeling well, I oftentimes feel like I need to sleep when I do not want to.

Not much that I can do at this point, except for take a bit less medication at the points in time like this, when I am feeling a little bit better.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Educated and Enlightened Person with Mental Illness

The funny thing about episodes of mental illness is that you never know when you are going to have one. There is no predictor or one thing that brings it on. You can just one minute be fine, then the next minute, be reeling in paranoid delusions or vivid and disturbing hallucinations.

There are, of course, things that you should not do if you know that you have mental illness. For example, one afflicted from said condition should avoid alcohol and street drugs, take their medication as prescribed by a doctor and get an appropriate amount of sleep. All things taken into account, though, there is still nothing that you can engage in, or stay away from, that will GUARANTEE that you will not suffer from your next episode. Therefore, it is my advice that those with schizophrenia, bipolar or major depression carry medication with them at all times. This way, in case of an onset of symptoms, the sufferer may excuse themselves from the crowd and take a prescribed dosage of their medication. This will, or should prove to help manage those symptoms to the point where you can still function to some extent.

Good luck and God speed.